Make Confident Decisions with the Magic of Tarot Readings

Tarot Reader in Brooklyn specializing in love, career, and life path readings.

Tap Into Your Intuition To Follow Your Highest Soul Path

As I always say, “The cards don’t lie!”

Tarot Testimonials

30 min.

Tarot Reading


Get an accurate reading of your current energy, validate your intuition, and see what is holding you back from aligning to your most authentic, fulfilling path!

60 min. Tarot Reading

& Intuition Coaching Session


Get a clarifying Tarot reading to reveal your subconscious blocks to expansion combined with holistic intuition coaching and spiritual guidance to apply what you learned to your current life circumstances.

Also available to book for:

Birthday Parties & Special Occasions

Make your loved one feel extra special with an in-person tarot reader at your next celebration! (NYC area)

$200 per hr. (2 hr. min-3 hr. max)

Corporate Events & Work Parties

Add enlightening entertainment to your next function by hiring a tarot reader for your next work or holiday party! (NYC area)

$250 per hr. (2 hr. min-3 hr. max)

Online Group Parties

A fun way to get together with your friends and family online - everyone gets a personal reading in a group setting.

$65 pp. (3 ppl. min-6 ppl. max)

What I Hear Most Often After My Readings:

“I knew it!”

“I can’t believe you knew everything that was in my head!”

“This makes me feel so much more certain of which way to go.”

“Everything you said is what I was already feeling.”

“This was not scary at all — it was healing!”

“I am so excited to get started now, thank you so much!”

Do you need to make an important decision in your life and not sure what direction to take?

Are you at a crossroads in your relationship and not sure if you should stay or go?

Are the same harmful patterns repeating like a broken record in your life?

Not sure what someone’s true intentions are and want to avoid disaster?

Contemplating a career change and need confirmation it’s the right move for you?

Tarot readings can answer all of this and more!

I use a combination of tarot and oracle (advice) cards to answer your questions on:

  • General Energy — find out where you’re at on your spiritual journey and what lessons/blocks you need to overcome to reach your highest path.

  • Love & Relationship Advice

  • Career and Life Path

  • Important Life Decisions

  • NOTE: I don’t predict the future but I will tell you the most likely outcome if you stay in your current energy.

What My Tarot Readings Can Be Used for

  • Confirming your intuition

  • Clarity for your next best steps

  • Making important decisions

  • Validating your instincts for which direction to go

  • Clarifying where you are on your spiritual journey

What My Tarot Readings Can’t Be Used for

  • Medical, health, financial, or legal advice

  • Absolutes about the future - energy is fluid and subject to change based on free will, but I can show you the most likely outcome based on where energy is now

  • Specific timelines or dates things will happen - Tarot only shows a general sense of time (something happening quickly, slowly, or not at all)

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

— Carl Jung

What to Expect in a Tarot Reading with Me:

  1. I usually start with your general energy if you’re not sure what you need to know, or have a specific question/category you want advice on.

  2. Before your reading, I cleanse the cards and do a prayer to connect to your spirit guides who work through me to give you the answers you need.

  3. I always deliver messages in the spirit of positivity and hope, no negative or scary messages here, but I will tell you the truth of what I see.

  4. At the end of the session, I typically give you recommendations for DIY resources to continue your journey or you may decide to work with me for 1:1 coaching.

  5. After the reading you’ll have the answers you need from within to make confident decisions aligned to what’s best for your personal journey.

My Philosophy On How Tarot Works

Think of tarot readings as a snapshot of your energetic frequency in time - like reading an energy meter for where you are in your spiritual journey and what you need to know to move forward.

Tarot readings validate what your intuition is already telling you and clarify what you most need to know. Even Carl Jung, the famous psychologist who coined the term “synchronicity,” believed in the power of tarot to make your subconscious conscious. 

Our journeys go in circles and when we complete one journey we begin another one — from 0 to 21 and back to 0 with a lot of back and forth in between. So it’s no wonder we get confused about where we are and what we need to do next on our paths.

Tarot readings tell you where you’re at on your spiritual path, what lessons still need to be learned to move forward, and if you are regressing.

It also tells you where there are lingering energy traps in your field that you may not have processed yet, (aka. old exes, trauma, and baggage from the past), even from a long time ago  — you’d be surprised at what’s still in your aura affecting you!

“Tarot is your intuition on paper.”

- Nicole

Tarot Myths:

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Tarot Readings

  • There is nothing evil about tarot. In fact, I’m Christian and believe it is the same as doing a prayer and asking God/Spirit/Universe for answers. It’s all about your intention. I consider it a sacred tool that reconnects you to your divine light. Some of the most prolific tarot readers in the world are hardcore Catholics who do the rosary multiple times a day. I believe God and the Universe put us here for a reason and it’s all about learning, growing, helping others, and ultimately following our soul path, which tarot readings help you do.

  • There are no bad cards in tarot. There is a Death card, which means death of the ego and rebirth, which is a good card! It means that you are evolving on your spiritual path and letting go of old, self-destructive patterns. The Death card DOES NOT mean you or someone you love is going to die and the Devil card DOES NOT mean anything evil. It is just showing you where there may be darker tendencies that will hold you back on your path such as addictions, codependency, or being trapped by fear.

  • I do a prayer at the beginning of every session and call on God to protect the session and not allow anything dark or negative in. It has always worked. Though connecting to spirit shouldn’t be taken lightly, tarot is more about tapping into your intuition and guides who only want what is best for you. That being said, I take precautions to cleanse my space with sage, incense, and palo santo regularly to make sure it is always a positive interaction from the light.

  • All of my readings are delivered in the spirit of growth and to inspire positive change. I truly believe we don’t get messages we aren’t ready to hear, but I do have people tell me that they know that’s where they are at, even if it’s a hard truth they need to face. However, I deliver all messages with compassion and you don’t have to validate or confirm anything you’re not comfortable with.

  • Not true at all — anyone can do tarot readings to get clarity on their path. You can purchase a classic Rider-Waite deck online and the book will walk you through as you learn. Everyone has intuition and it’s a great way to develop your connection to self. However, interpreting the cards is where the skill comes into play. After years of performing tarot readings, my skill is in interpreting the cards and trusting the subtle messages I receive. There is no innate power, good or bad, in the cards, it’s just paper — the power is in connecting to your inner truth.

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.”

— Dean Koontz