My Holistic Life Coaching Philosophy & Energy Alignment Techniques

I help you identify the root cause of what’s holding you back from the life you were meant to live and get back to your destined purpose.

My Holistic Coaching Philosophy

I believe that you already have the answers you seek deep within your soul.

I just help you clear the energetic junk out of the way so you can get clarity, direction, and a plan to move toward your dreams with total confidence.

I do this by addressing your mind, body, and soul holistically because a problem in one area affects all the others.

I truly believe that we all have a calling and gifts we were born with that we are meant to be pursuing. And we deprive ourselves and the World if we don’t answer the call.

I consider it a divine privilege to help you align your energy to your highest spiritual path.

My 5-Step Process

to Turn the Imagined Into Reality



Identify where you are now and visualize your ideal future.

STEP 2: 


Become more mindful of signals from your body, mind, and soul on your journey.



Get out of your own way by releasing the subconscious ways you hold yourself back.



Start making changes in your life to align your future with your deepest values.



Begin putting yourself out there and start living your dream life!

What to Expect In Our 1:1 Holistic Coaching Sessions

Using my 20+ years of well-rounded experience in physical, mental, and spiritual health, I help you identify the root cause of the reason you feel trapped in your circumstances.

I always start with where you’re at now and pride myself on creating a safe, non-judgmental, and FUN space for spiritual development and personal growth.

Deep soul diving doesn’t have to be so serious either.  I make sure you feel comfortable every step along the way. We have a lot of laughs and deep revelations at the same time.

Each session is customized to your unique needs, and I use a combination of methods below that I’ve personally used with success to address what you’re struggling with.

The Holistic Approach & Energy Alignment Techniques I Teach


Free Online DIY Self-Care Resources stress-relieving activities you can access online anytime and access for a lifetime to get calm on demand

Nervous System Re-Regulation Techniques to release the fight, flight, or freeze response that keeps you paralyzed in fear

Musculoskeletal Realignment & Balancing simple tweaks you can make to your posture and daily movement habits to easily release chronic pain and tension that drains your energy

Time & Energy Management to preserve your peace and protect your energy by setting boundaries and keeping them

Restful Sleep Techniques including my all-time favorite secret to deep sleep 

Mind-Body Awareness connecting to your body to get out of your head and reveal trapped emotions

Breathing Techniques to promote instant calm and relieve anxiety


Self-Mastery Techniques to overcome fears and self-doubt

Rediscovering Your Inner Child to unlearn who you were taught to be and return to the true essence of who you are

Mindset Coaching to rewire self-limiting beliefs that hold you back

Intention-Setting Journaling Exercises to get clear on your goals and set your intentions

Visualizations to imagine your ideal future and dream it into your reality

Affirmation & Mantra Development to keep your vibe high and attract all you desire

Mindfulness Exercises to make the unconscious conscious and regain control of your emotions

Grounding Exercises to stay centered, balanced, and reduce anxiety


Tarot Readings for clarity of direction and revealing subconscious energy blockers

Law of Attraction Principles to stay positive and manifest your dreams with ease

Interpreting Synchronicities to uncover the hidden meaning in the messages you’re receiving

Meditations to declutter your mind for clearer decision-making

Chakra Wash to clear the energetic debris out of your system and free your energy for your purpose

Intuition Development and how to tell the difference between your mind (ego) and soul (truth)

Spiritual Development to hone your unique spiritual gifts and harness their power

Empath Protection Techniques including how to clear your energy and protect yourself from absorbing others

Dream Analysis to unlock the profound messages from your subconscious

Crystal Recommendations to naturally enhance your intuition and overall well-being

By the end of our time together, you’ll be able to face the parts of yourself you’ve buried for a long time head-on, realizing they never had any power over you after all.

Release anything that's holding you back and reclaim your power for good!

“Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakes.”

— Carl Jung


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    "I have gained a renewed sense of confidence and purpose. She has helped me to identify my strengths and passions and has provided me with the tools and resources I need to pursue a fulfilling new career path. If you are looking for a career coach who will truly go the extra mile for you, look no further than Nicole.”

    Michelle Dion - Former school teacher pursuing her passion career

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    "Working with Nicole as a coach has been life changing for me. She has helped me carve out more time to make my dreams a reality as a mother of 3. She has helped me with my confidence and things have begun falling into place magically. I highly recommend Nicole!"

    Jenelle Rodriguez - Medium, Tarot Reader & Intuitive Coach

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    “I was feeling super stuck in my business. I knew something needed to change with my offer because it just didn’t feel right, but I couldn’t figure out what my new offer should be. The reflections she asked me to do revolutionized my business — I’m talking rebranding, expanding, and creating offers that speak to ME and how I want to help my clients. If you’re considering working with Nicole, DO IT!”

    Kelly Helmick - Business Coach & Fiction Editor

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    “As a first time entrepreneur making a career pivot at age 53, I was overwhelmed and unsure what to prioritize . . . Nicole consistently provides me with actionable and prioritized to-do lists during our meetings, which have proven to be highly effective in achieving results . . . Nicole has been an invaluable source of coaching and enthusiasm, and I cannot imagine working my way through this unknown territory without her!"

    Beth Lambert - Owner, Fuzzy Face Media, Video Creator & Editor

  • “After the first session I walked away already feeling like the weight of the world was finally off my shoulders. The time I have spent with Nicole has given me a huge part of my life and happiness back! My life is now moving in a direction of quality and purpose rather than just surviving. Without you this would have never been possible!!!!"

    Julia Hays - Life Coaching client

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