Your Law of Attraction-Loving Intuitive Guide & Spiritual Life Coach

I help you trust your intuition and follow it to your highest path — even when it seems crazy!

Ready to reclaim your destiny but need help getting out of your own way?

Hi, I’m Nicole!

I know what it’s like to want more out of life and be afraid to go for it at the same time . . .

I went from feeling TRAPPED to feeling INSPIRED every day. Now I make a living as an entrepreneur, live all my childhood passions, and work only when I want to, (and I'm definitely a night owl, so goodbye early mornings!).

I help busy women get unstuck and take the leap to pursue what they really want to do so they can enjoy more ease, freedom, and fulfillment every day instead of living vacation to vacation or chronically putting their needs aside.

My mission is to help you clarify your purpose, trust your intuition, and start living a life aligned to your soul.

Because you didn’t come here to dread each day, hate your job, or do anything other than what lights you up!

I know that your soul has all the answers you need to get unstuck and start living the life you really want. You just have to get out of your own way first.

I show you how to move past the fear and self-doubt that hold you back from living your full potential with the same practical, holistic techniques and intuitive guidance I used to make all my childhood dreams a reality.

Here’s my story, I hope it inspires you to reach for even more than you think you’re capable of right now.

My Journey

From Trapped and Frustrated to Empowered and Fulfilled

2005: I decide to follow my intuition, trust the Universe, and leave all I ever knew behind to pursue my dreams in the Big Apple . . .

I moved to NY a month after college with $2000, 2 suitcases, and a DREAM wondering if everything would line up for me . . . and it did!

After 7 years of hard work, I accomplished my goal of producing shows and performing as a dancer/choreographer and singer/songwriter — all my childhood dreams!

But, secretly, I was struggling, waking up in pain every day, depressed, and missing out on important milestones with my family 3000 miles away feeling isolated and alone.

Everyone thought I was “living the dream,” but my grueling dance and Pilates teaching schedule left me in daily physical pain. By the end of my 20’s I was already burned out.

I knew I “should” be happy, but felt trapped in the life I’d worked so hard to create.

By 30, I figured maybe the exciting, dream-chasing chapter of my life was over.

Even though a part of me felt I hadn’t quite reached the level I had hoped for . . .

2012: I move back to CA even though it “didn’t make sense” because I was doing well in NY, but something told me it was time to go . . .

After a difficult year adjusting, my mom got sick for the third time and passed away unexpectedly. Two months later I found myself in the high-burnout mental health field working as a Homeless Outreach Worker completely emotionally unprepared.

The stress of this high-pressure, high-stress job and unresolved grief soon took its toll.

My shoulder, back, and neck pain got worse and I felt stressed and anxious almost 24/7 while I took care of everyone but myself and stuffed my grief down to get through the day.

I was in deep spiritual distress, but ignoring all the signals just to survive day-to-day.

The silver lining was — through this job I learned about holistic, non-invasive therapies that finally gave me the most relief from my now chronic physical pain and released some stress.

I also learned about the Law of Attraction and began rewiring negative thought patterns that made me feel more hopeful for the first time in a while.

Suddenly things I once thought were impossible started manifesting effortlessly - like traveling to Europe solo and becoming a homeowner. And I realized I could influence my external reality with the power of my thoughts, something I’d been doing all along.

By 2020 I’d worked my way up to the top of the mental health field in only 5 years to become the County Conservatorship Investigator. I even liked my job. There was only one problem . . .

I knew I didn't want to spend the next 20 years chained to a cubicle I didn't belong in.

I could feel my soul pulling me back to a creative career I’d always longed for.

So, I started a freelance copywriting business hoping to escape the 9 to 5 rat race, and organically started doing professional tarot readings too.

I also rediscovered my life-long interest in spirituality and reconnected to my intuition. This led to my first spiritual awakening which opened my eyes to my soul's truth.

I wasn't ready to give up on my dream life and I was in charge of my own destiny!

I made 1 powerful choice to start over again and pick my dreams up where I’d left off . . .

So in 2021 I uprooted my life for the THIRD time, quit my job, and moved BACK to NYC and that's wheb the MAGIC started happening . . .

🌟  Being hired as a talent booker by a brand new venue and hiring top NYC talent for shows I created and hosted.

🌟  Producing dinner theater shows and building a local reputation in Brooklyn by partnering with community business owners.

🌟  Singing professionally for bands in NY and NJ — even rehearsing in Times Square!

🌟  Becoming a FT entrepreneur and waking up whenever the hell I want to!

🌟  Managing a high-end event at the Ritz Carlton in Manhattan - a mind-blowing opportunity that came to me “out of nowhere.” (Photo with the Empire State building is the exact moment I realized, I DID IT! Beyond a childhood dream!)

Now I know the only thing that ever stands between you and your dreams is your ability to believe in your true potential.

“Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage,”

- Anais Nin

Some Fun Facts About Me:

On the original Yellow Brick Road in Peekskill, NY - a full-circle moment for me!

🌟 The Wizard of Oz was my initial inspiration for my journey and I collect memorabilia

🌟  I’m obsessed with vintage circus and was told I was in the circus in a past life

🌟  I love a real-life ghost story and staying in haunted places

🌟  My shows helped landmark the Shore Theater in Coney Island

🌟  Traveling the world is my biggest passion - I’ve been to 7 countries alone solo including Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Kenya, and the Seychelles!

Professional Bio

Nicole Holst is an intuitive guide and spiritual life coach who empowers busy women to reclaim their true selves and consciously create their own destinies. A small-town CA girl with big dreams, Nicole turned 4 of her childhood passions into profitable businesses in NYC doing what she loves and helps women overcome the self-doubt and fears that hold them back from pursuing their full potential.

She combines 20+ years of coaching experience in the physical, mental, and spiritual health fields as a Certified Pilates Instructor, Mental Health Professional, and Spiritual Advisor into her coaching programs for a unique mind-body-soul approach.

Since 2005 Nicole has guided thousands of people from all walks of life through life-changing transformations from housing the homeless to healing chronic pain in her Pilates clients to clarifying life-altering decisions for her repeat Tarot clients.

Nicole consistently empowers women to make powerful, soul-affirming changes in their lives. Her mission is for women to inspire more women to take the leap toward the life they really want to experience more freedom, ease, and fulfillment every day.

Nicole’s well-rounded background gives her a unique, holistic advantage to help you transform your life on all levels in less time — she’s like 4 coaches in one!

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver

Is fear holding you back from the life you dream about?